

Full color live action books with short stories and lots of photos/pictures

In this first book, ToiToi finds a little light and when he wants to show it to Fern it is gone. Together they try to find a new light. In the forest, they find an old Bushbuddy, Muddum, who is obsessed with worms. Also, they meet Rocko, a very strong Bushbuddy who cares for the glow worms.

ToiToi finds a wounded bird and wants to take care of her. Fern tries to guess what kind of bird it is. When Rata sees in his timeviewer what happened to the bird they decide they need the help from Rimu and Flaxine to get the bird back on her feet.

MOVE Muddum! Is that even possible? Still, ToiToi and Rata will give it a go and bring the old Bushbuddy to a better place. Fortunately, they can count on their very strong friend Rocko. They also will have to borrow some tools from the ranger.

Will they be able to do this?

Do you know cicadas make a lot of noise? Fern doesn’t like it one bit. She can’t sleep because of it. ToiToi and Rata try to find ways to stop the noise so Fern can sleep again. After Rimu explains why the cicadas are singing, Rata saves the day by lending Fern his very special head phone flowers.

More books with longer stories and few pictures are still to be published

This is a real New Zealand Christmas story. Complete with hot weather, so no snow. But there may be ghosts!

The Bushbuddies find it alarming that trees are being felled in their forest. ToiToi tries to find out what happens to those trees and gets in a very dangerous situation in the Human world. He sees a Christmas tree being decorated and gets trapped. Rubble and Tip have to go on a rescue mission.

Meanwhile, the other Bushbuddies find ways to scare the harvesters away.

We also meet Kiri Himete, the Bushbuddy of the pohutekawa tree. She shows ToiToi what a real Christmas tree looks like

Muddum is very happy in her new place but one night she is attacked by fire ants. Because she is rooted in the ground she has no means to protect herself.

ToiToi tries to locate the ants and with the help of Flaxine he manages to catch them all.

But what to do with them?

Fern gets a potion from Mixum to heal Muddums wounds.

There is complete silence in the forest in winter. No bird chorus in the morning or evening.

Fern and ToiToi go on a mission to find out what has happened. They meet a sobbing Bushbuddy who takes the blame for it all.

What has Suckle done to stop the birds from singing? Can they all come up with a solution for the problem? They might need help from Rubble and Tip and ToiToi might end up in the water, being chased by bees.

ToiToi found an egg in the forest and likes to know where it belongs. While searching for answers they have some dangerous and quite hilarious interaction with a Human family.

Also Muddum has to deal with this family in her own special way, by sending the worms in attack mode.

After hearing from Rimu that the egg is a tuatara egg, which is very rare, Rata uses his timeviewer to find the egg belongs with a few others.

After the hatchlings are born the Bushbuddies hide them in the ranger’s mailbox, to have them transferred to a very safe place.