Most of the songs below do not have a melody yet. Some may fit on some existing melody or can be adjusted. If you do record any of these songs please send the recordings to me so I can add them to this site.

Fern’s song

This might be a song that fern sings on different occasions; it fits many melodies

Ferns are green, Ferns are green. The most beautiful plant I’ve ever seen. Call it kakariki and I know what you mean. All I know is ferns are green

Skies are blue, Skies are blue Covering the world for me and you. Call it kahurangi, and I know that is true. Everywhere the skies are blue

Rocks are black, Rocks are black On the surface and in the cracks Pango or mangu, that is the right track. All of us know that rocks are black

Daisies are white Daisies are white With a yellow heart inside. Ma is the name, you know that is right. All the tiny Daisies are white

Roses are red, Roses are red. Blooming in every flowerbed. If you call it whero, that is what you get. I love all roses to be red

Earthworm song

Did you know: Know what?

That earthworms can be found, everywhere around….

Nooooo Yesss

Earthworms can be found, Everywhere around…. Softening soil wherever they go. Digging holes from high to low, in the forest ground

Slimy and cold, Long and fat. Who would like a worm like that. Treat him really nice, love him like a pet. Who would like to have a wriggly, wriggly, wriggly, wriggly worm like that.

Did you know: Know what?

That earthworms have 5 hearts, one in all their parts.

Nooooo Yesss!

Earthworms have 5 hearts, one in all their parts. Girls and boys are all the same. Give them all a different name, as a perfect start

Slimy and cold etc.

Protection song

Dogs have teeth, they can bite. Lions are strong they can fight. Rabbits dig holes for them to hide. Dolphins use the surf to ride

Birds spread their wings they can fly. But what can I? What can I ? What can I ? What can I……do to protect myself

Possums can scratch with their sharp nails. Kangaroes slap with their long heavy tails. Lizzards are protected by their scales and a shell protects the snails

Elephants are safe for they are tall. Hedgehogs can roll up in a ball. Cats land on fours whenever they fall. A sand fly bites even though it’s small

The antelope can run real fast. The skunk spreads a terrible smell that last. The seagull sits on top of a mast. All have protection, when harassed


This song is recorded at the top of the page.

When it is dark and the sun is gone

Al is quiet and the work is done

Moera… Moera…

The ferns have their leaves all tucked away

The birds find a nest at the end of the day

Moera… Moera…

Only night animals are roaming around

the kiwi searching for food on the ground

the ruru you hardly can see

sitting high up on a branch in the tree.

This is the time for the bats to go high

and for tuatara to catch a fat fly.

The glowworms spread their tiny light

in the deepest darkest night

Moera… Moera…

Then we close our eyes and with a big jawn

we fall asleep until the new dawn


Pohutekawa Christmas song

This song is recorded at the top of the page

As the sun flies right overhead on the longest day

And the charm of the whole flowerbed takes your breath away

theres a fire red flower on the pohutakawa

Its summertime now and everyone can see

the bright red flower on our Christmas tree

the birds sing their own melody this time of year

and the crown of a hardy old tree turns a merry bright red

theres a fire red flower on the pohutakawa

Its summertime now and everyone can see

the bright red flower on our Christmas tree

Bushbuddy song

BUSHBUDDIES in New Zealand

Are always everywhere

Helping in our nature

With a lot of love and care

So if you walk around

In our lovely land

Try to find the BUSHBUDDIES

And give them a helping hand


Are hiding in the wood

BUSHBUDDIES are everywhere

I’d find them if I could

Glow worm song

I wish I was a glow worm

as they are never glum

cause how can you be gloomy

when the sun shines out your bum

Glowworms are nocturnal

they sleep during the day

But if the sun goes down at night

they all come out to play


Glowworms spread their tiny light

to attract their prey

And with their sticky tentacles

they sweep the food away


Glowworms are so pretty

they brighten up the night

and even in the darkest cave

they shine their sparkling light.


Giant Weta song

There was a giant weta

roaming around

all over the ground

feeling with large antennas

and do you now what he found….

He found 2 giant weta

roaming around

all over the ground

Munching food with their big jaws

and do you now what they found….

They found 3 giant weta

roaming around

all over the ground

jumping with their long hind legs

and do you now what they found….

They found 4 giant weta

roaming around

all over the ground

looking with their googly eyes

and the next thing that they found….

All 10 giant weta

are roaming around

all over the ground

feeling with large antennas

Munching food with their big jaws

jumping with their long hind legs

looking with their googly eyes

hiding behind a pile of wood

now they are nowhere to be found