Kia ora!
I am ToiToi. So nice to see you here on my website. Here you can read all about my adventures, meet my friends and learn how you too can become a Bushbuddies friend.
We all have to protect the beautiful nature around us and all Bushbuddies have a MAGIC skill to give the forest a helping hand.
Except for me…..!
I am still too young and haven’t done anything to deserve my MAGIC, but you can read in my books how I try to find ways to help out and earn my very own MAGIC. There are already four books about my adventures and there are a lot more to come. Maybe even a TV series or a movie. That would be totally awesome.
Have you ever met a Bushbuddy?
Probably not, because all Bushbuddies are very good at hiding in our bush or tree and to be spotted by humans is very dangerous for us.
But heh, you never know. Maybe you run into one of us while going on a bushwalk. If you do…. please just pretend you didn’t notice.
A little bit more about me as a Bushbuddy, I was sprouted not long ago as a New Zealand Toetoe (pronounced as TOITOI) grass Bushbuddy. That means that I relate to the Toetoe grasses. As you can see I have some white Toetoe plumes on my head as well. When I am in danger or scared I can change fast in such a bush and nobody will be able to see me. I am still a very young Bushbuddy, because Bushbuddies can live for hundreds of years, depending on what plant or tree they relate to. Normally Bushbuddies just roam around their place but I get very bored doing that. It’s not much fun looking at grasses, so I decided to go on adventures and meet some new friends. On the next page of this site, you can find all the friends I made so far. There must be a lot more out there in our New Zealand forest and maybe also in your country. When ever you are hiking or just walking in your forest, keep an eye out for something unusual, like a branch that looks like an arm, or some eyes hidden in the bark of a tree. It is not very likely you’d see some Bushbuddy running around, but you never know.